Or all the other technology that is now so affordable that everybody seems to have it. I mean can you remember? Or for some of you, can you remember a time when you did not have internet or cell phones? I do. I can even remember only having about 5 or 7 channels on the TV to choose from which of course means we played outside more. We didn’t have 150 channels to cruise through and then still not find anything to watch. We didn’t have the World Wide Web to search endlessly and still be bored. And if we went outside to play the only way mom could call us home would be to yell out loud “Dinner!” And if we heard we’d come home otherwise we kept playing till dark.
Our favorite thing to play was Barbie’s of course. About three of us girls would get together with all our dolls, Barbie clothes and other doll accessories and play all afternoon. We were probably in second or third grade. Do they still play Barbie’s at that age? I know my girls did but then it seems they quickly outgrew that phase – and way too soon in my opinion.

What always intrigued me the most about the library was the adults only section. What could be back there? They looked just like all the other books. Of course the only reason I was intrigued was because it was forbidden. And once you do have access to the forbidden it loses its mystery and then is no big deal which I found out once I was old enough to go to that section. And now that I’ve read a few, the romance novels probably should have been in that section as well. But I’m so glad they weren’t.
The best thing now about having internet though is that you can do research so much quicker online than going through a million encyclopedias.
What else did I do before the internet?
Catch grasshoppers, frogs and fireflies
Ride my bike or roller skate
Talk on the phone with friends for hours
Listen to records in my room
Bake! Cakes, cookies, tarts
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